
"Lethal Injection" Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Image created by Jacopo Pantaleoni

« In a far future when the surface of planet Earth, and later also the under-ground, have gradually become life-hostile and been abandoned, When humanity lives in various settlements around the Solar System, When any residue of human life on Earth is thought to have expired, When Earth is considered a dead planet, and is thought to have been such for ages, Suddenly unequivocal signs of the presence of civilized life inside the planet are detected.

A civilization whose history, culture, and level of evolution are unknown, and who may have access to thousands of tons of nuclear weapons abandoned under-earth before the exodus. A reality the Solar System community cannot face.

Indeed they do not face it at all. They simply erase it. Operation "Lethal Injection" is started...»

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(*)The picture above has been created by Jacopo Pantaleoni using Lightflow, a rendering software developed by himself. The subject of the picture was ideated by Matteo Sisti Sette.

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